High school and college students are busy. They have many demanding responsibilities, including academics, extracurricular activities, jobs, and social life. It can be hard to balance it all. As a result, they can feel overwhelmed and stressed for time — leading to...
Every child or teen has days when they grumble about going to school. Some may even ask to stay home occasionally for a break. But school refusal due to anxiety isn’t about disliking school or having the occasional day where they want to stay home. Instead, school can...
Psychoeducational evaluations help you, your child, and the school better understand their learning style, emotional needs, and behavioural functioning — so they can get the right support to thrive. There are many benefits of an evaluation for a child or teen. But how...
Homework struggles are a challenge for many parents and families. Some research suggests that as many as 1 in 4 children display signs of refusal to do homework. And for many families, it isn’t just their child complaining about doing it. They simply won’t do it no...
Anxiety and defiance in children can often be interconnected. Adults often expect anxious children to be shy, cautious, clingy, or worried. But anxiety can look differently depending on the child, fears, and situation. For instance, some children with anxiety display...