About Lisa Hayden

I help kids and teens work through anxiety and emotional distress and provide assessments for learning disabilities, giftedness, and ADHD.

So they better understand themselves, can be confident, and thrive.

Lisa Hayden, Psychologist portrait photo

Hi, I’m Lisa Hayden

I work with you and your child so we find the right solutions and answers for your situation.

As a registered psychologist for 19 years, I understand that all families have struggles.

Yet getting help from a trusted professional can provide the support, guidance, and tools that you, your child, and your family need to move beyond the current challenges.

So your child:

Enjoys their childhood

Feels confident about themselves

Understands how their brain works so they (and teachers) know how they learn

Gets the tools and strategies they need to work through any learning or emotional struggles both now and in the future

I create a safe, nonjudgmental space so your child and teen can be themselves.

Whether your child is here for therapy or an assessment, it’s essential to me that your child or teen feels safe, comfortable, and welcome to ask any questions they have.

We work together throughout the process to find what fits your child, you, and your family, whether they’re here for an assessment or therapy.

I make sure your child feels comfortable talking with me and is respected. (Plus, I’ve been told by past children and teens that I have a “down-to-earth” vibe that helps them feel heard and safe.)

My Approach To Assessments

Struggling at school is hard. As a parent, you don’t want your child to fall behind. But you may not know how to help them. As a student, it can feel embarrassing, might you hold back, or believe like you can’t learn.

But your child or teen can learn and thrive! 

We simply need to find out how to best help them learn, so they can achieve their full potential. That’s where assessments can help, whether for learning disabilities, ADHD, or giftedness. 

I work with you and your child to help them understand their brain, how they learn best, and provide the tools, strategies, and techniques that best fit their learning approach and needs. 

I also will help you and other professionals, like teachers, understand how to best support your child’s learning needs.

A psychologist works with a child during an evaluation. This image is meant to represent the benefits of working with Lisa Hayden.

My Approach To Therapy

Everyone feels sad or anxious at times. But when the feelings are too much, getting professional help can provide the insights, tools, and support to heal and move forward.

No matter what your child or teen is dealing with, I’m here for them so they feel safe and supported. 

Throughout therapy, we work together to help them process their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, understand how their thoughts and feelings impact them, and learn skills and tools to help them thrive now and throughout their lives.

Your child or teen can work through what they’re facing so they can achieve their full potential.

I’d be honored to work with you, your child, and your family. Contact me, and let’s see how I can help you and your child.

My Credentials and Trainings:

Registered psychologist for 19 years

Member of the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia

Member of the Canadian Psychological Association

Master of Arts in School Psychology from Mount Saint Vincent University in 2004

Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment training

Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework training

Certified in PEERS training for Adolescents

Past Work Experiences:

Chignecto Central Regional School Board for 10 years

Colchester East Hants ADHD Clinic in collaboration with the school board and the Child, Adolescent, and Family Service (Mental Health Clinic, CEHHA)

Pictou County Health Authority as an EIBI clinical interventionist with the Autism Team